
Minimalism is a style I like to think is easy...

In case you haven't seen this episode already... Deciding that a photo will be easy is like saying Macbeth in a theater.

It seems as though minimalism may be my photography equivalent of "The Scottish Play"... A bit of "bubble, bubble, toil, and trouble," if you will.

I created one minimalist image this week for the challenge. It's a carnation blossom that broke off of some flowers I was arranging. I couldn't let it go to waste, so I put it on the reflective top of the oven and grabbed the camera. Simple. Minimalist. No worries.

But how minimalist really is minimalism?

Does my addition of the flower's reflection take away from the minimalist composition? What about the subtle curving lines (created by the burner lines on the stove, of course)... Would it be better without them?

As I searched through my extensive Lightroom catalog, I found myself picking apart every minimalist image I found. And, there weren't many. Each one left me doubting how minimalist it truly was.

At this point, I'm still not sure. And it feels like I could be missing the point entirely.

What I can tell you, though, is that deciding a photo will be easy is generally asking for trouble.