Rule of Odds
I'll be honest with you... I did not enjoy this one at all. Is it hard? Not particularly. It's as simple as it seems... Your subject is made up of an odd number of items. Ok. Fine.
My house is completely designed around this idea... Stacks of 5 books, clusters of 3 paintings and photographs, etc. I like things in odd groupings. Most people do. Thus the rule, right?
But in this instance, I found myself wanting to cheat and pull the "1 is an odd number" card (Ok, so I was a math major). Turns out I like to zoom in on one thing at a time. I tend to grab a Lensbaby (typically sweet or edge), catch my subject in focus, and let the blur handle the rest.
Sadly, for the rule of odds, I had to work a bit harder. Counting, people.
My mind immediately went back to my food photography days... and I had a visceral reaction to the idea of putting together a flat lay. I like to discover things and make beauty out of the everyday. And flat lays are not a part of my everyday. Every flat surface in my house is likely covered with a menagerie of whatever sundries the kids collected in the last day or two. Not happening.
So, I forced myself to find odd things. But, I don't do my best work when I'm forcing myself... or counting, apparently. (I also decided along the way that anything over 7 is excluded from the rule because who counts that high?)
Also, somehow I ended up with 4 photos for my "rule of odds" project... I think it's time to call this one.