
This was also my P52 image for last week for the theme of "Rule of Thirds" ... Just after I snapped this photo, the young man walking on the sidewalk turned and smiled at me, giving me a slight nod before walking into a shop.

Shot with Lensbaby Edge 50mm.


There are few things I love more than a snowy stroll after dark. I'm one of those strange people who actually loves the cold. I find it somewhat cleansing and can be found outside taking a deep breath when the temperature dips into the teens.

Both images shot with Lensbaby Edge 35mm.

The image on the left is a single exposure and the image on the right is an in-camera double exposure.

Shot with Lensbaby Edge 35mm.


I love street photography, but most street images that come to mind are of bustling city streets. For better or worse, I live in the middle of a pretty average suburban neighborhood, so I do my best to create with what I've got.

Shot with Lensbaby Edge 35mm.


Another snowy suburban street... Something about the snow and the crosswalk grabbed my attention.

Shot with Canon EF 50mm f/1.4


A creative rut, and a self portrait.

I will likely write more on this soon, but sometimes I find that creative lenses and techniques can hinder my creativity. So, this month's self portrait was shot with nothing but an old 50mm.

Shot with Lensbaby Edge 35mm.


Ahhhhh suburbia. I have a love-hate relationship with it for sure. If there's one thing the Lensbaby Edge lenses are good at, it's highlighting one part of a scene and making the rest kind of fade away. I use them a lot for a reason.

Shot with Lensbaby Velvet 85mm.


I have forever envied my Canadian friends and their hoar frost. Perhaps there's a reason my family refers to me as the "Ice Queen" at times. While I'm not sure this quite qualifies as hoar frost, I was so pumped to find these feathery fractals of ice on the dead grass along the creek.