
A quick snap of my Norfolk Pine for last week's P52 - "Rule of Odds." I've had this pine tree for a few years now, and every year it gets new layers of branches. For the sake of my P52 success, I was glad to see this round had 7 branches.

Shot with Canon RF 24-105mm f/4L.

Shot with Lensbaby Velvet 85mm.


This is the time of year where I have to get creative with what I have in the house. The blooms on this cyclamen always amaze me the way they open upside down. A double exposure and shallow depth of field added some additional softness (and hid some of the clutter around the plant).

Shot with Lensbaby Velvet 85mm.


There's just something about frosty grass. Even when it's quite literally freezing outside, I feel the need to crawl on the ground to snap a few photos. Whether it's frost or dew, the Velvet lenses are always a great choice for these kind of shots!

Shot with Lensbaby 85mm.


When I'm not meandering around the house for photo subjects, I'm carrying the camera along on my morning walk with my husband and the dog. I was trying to set the camera to capture the light shining on the sidewalk when Kona decided to stroll into the frame and stop. So, she became the day's photo. I can't resist a good shadow.

Shot with Lensbaby Velvet 85mm.


Arranging aftermath.

I had finished arranging some flowers (not one of my skills, but I try) and I noticed a patch of light shining on a broken off blossom and my pile of stems. So, naturally, I grabbed the camera.

Shot with Lensbaby Velvet 56mm.


I was on a Velvet kick this week. I'll be honest, they haven't always been my favorite lenses, but I've been embracing them lately. This double exposure was created shooting at f/1.6 for the bubbly bokeh and then at f/5.6 for a more "in focus" view of the succulent.


In the light.

I've been enjoying the #BlueSkyArtShow each weekend... and this week's theme was "light."

This is another double exposure captured with one of my Velvet lenses.

Shot with Lensbaby Velvet 56mm.